Our educational establishment has always been implied in international cooperation.
Every year we undertake a project involving the pupils, the students and their teachers.
Our actions favour exchange programs between young people. For example, in the past and for several years in a row, we ran an exchange program with a school in Caluso, Italy.
More recently, in 2003, some students and their teachers founded a charity to provide street children from Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina-Faso) with schooling thus facilitating their integration into the workplace.
Our students’ involvement in this project is very regular as shown on Facebook: www.facebook.com/lesenfantsdebobodioulasso
Our 2007 to 2010 Comenius scheme being completed, we are now hoping our application for an Erasmus project 2014 – 2016, involving Polish, Lithuanian, Hungarian and Spanish partners, will be accepted.
Similarly, once our 2007 – 2013 Erasmus scheme signed, we in turn applied for a ECHE pledge. It will be a great incentive for our students and staff’s international mobility.
In the News tab, you will find our BTS (2 year post A Level technical studies) various yearly internships abroad. You will also read the accounts of 2 History, Geography and Economics teachers who recently travelled to Ireland on a linguistic immersion program.
We wish you a pleasant journey!